The Celtic Christian Church

The Emerging Church is a phrase used today to address the spiritual and ministerial life is erupting in faith communities around the globe. Christians are discovering new ways to share the Good News of God's Love in this world, and it is happening everywhere, indicating the work of the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the Earth.
We in the Celtic Christian Church, as well as others who are part of other Independent Catholic and Old Catholic communities are ministering where God leads us, and to those in our path. Some of us are in conventional traditional ministries found in many Church bodies, and others are trailblazing new ministries which are not as common. The goal is to serve God and neighbor in any way we can, with the gifts we are given.
You can watch the following videos to get a good introduction to the concept of "the emerging Church" and find more about the conference presented by the Center for Action and Contemplation.
And check out our page on INTERCOMMUNION
More Links to Renewed Ministry
National Catholic Ministerial Alliance
The Federation of Christian Ministries